Novak identified at our Friday Night League for a Euro pro trial contract

We are pleased to also announce that Novak has been identified by our European representative and is invited to go for a Euro pro trial invitation with our European representative.

At 8 years of age, Novak has a bright future ahead of him. Novak has been training at Olympiacos Melbourne for close to two years. Novak also plays in the Olympiacos Melbourne Friday night leagues, where he is watched by our European counterparts.

Novak continues to train with us until he departs overseas for his once in a life time opportunity. At such a young age, he has the chance to commence a pro Euro career with a bright future ahead of him.

We continue to work Novak and wish to assist more of  Melbourne’s players to give them an equal opportunity.

The launch of our male scout camp allows players to book in for a free assessment session and see if they are immediately ready to go overseas. If you are unsure if you a ready, book in a free assessment session.

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